Local directories links
By local directories we mean all sites where you can place information about your business and quote commercial data: website, registration address, phone number, brand name.
Created cards about your business are also ranked by keywords and bring traffic, conversions, recognition. These are very natural links for any business.

For any business that has a local address.
Ideal for businesses with local outlets

Duration of posting - 1 month
- natural and various links;
- the ratio of technical parameters of links depends on the region;
- check the details with the manager.

of links
You get links from directory sites
Where will the link be posted?
In a card created about your business

Available after

You will be able to monitor the process of work in the personal account.

- links are posted forever;
- we give you access to a registration mail;
- at the time of submission of the report - all links are available 100%.

Package price